My Signature 1:1 Coaching Program
is for the ambitious woman who is ready to make massive shift in the relationship with herself and step into her most unapologetic and confident self so she can live a life that feels like a total f*ck yes.
I’m totally obsessed with guiding you to become the most fearlessly, turned up and unapologetically version of YOU so you can begin living life on your terms, without fear, shame or doubt.
No more apologising for your needs, pushing down your true thoughts or setting for less. No more ticking boxes or filtering yourself to be more like everyone else…
It’s time to let go of who you think you need to be and feel confident AF in being WHO YOU ARE instead.

Do you..
– Feel like you constantly should be achieving more, doing more & that you’re running out of time to be “successful”
– That your measure of self worth is based on how much you do & whether you are enough for everyone else
– See yourself holding back due to fear judgment or being seen as different. You are embarrassed of what you REALLY
want to do so you’ keep playing small
– Fall into the trap of constantly learning & consuming without putting it into action
– Feel alone in your struggles & hide them away because “they aren’t as bad as other peoples”
– Feel guilty when you voice your views, emotions, needs because you don’t want to “rock the boat”, burden or “bring
people down”
– Feel SO READY for change but fear “becoming a different person” and what that may mean for you and the
relationships in your life?
– Feel stuck & stagnant because you cant seem to move the right pieces forward, you’re always working but never seeing
results you desire
– Question everything you do & every decision you make and are exhausted by the constant cycles of highs and lows
This is for You if..
– You are done playing small and watching other women step into their power from the side-lines. NO MORE apologising and holding back baby
– You can feel you’re on the cusp of your biggest expansion and are ready to navigate and heal blocks, limiting beliefs & trapped emotions so you can take action that moves the needle forward
– You are ready to let go of the “I’m not good enough” narrative & step into radical self love and appreciation
– You’re ready to ready to become a powerful leader of your own life and take back control with self assured confidence
-You want to take up up 10x more space in life, in work, in this freaking world and are ready to craft the mindset to embody it
All so you can..
– Create a life that feels like a TOTAL FUCK YES, see success SOAR and barely believe it gets to feel this good
– Feel powerful in your own skin and have life FEEL successful instead of simply looking it
– Feel confident AF in being WHO YOU ARE instead of who you think you should be & look back at the woman in the mirror with total self love
– No longer hold back showing all parts of who you are and create deeper more meaningful connections by expressing your needs, desires and bad ass boundaries
– No longer second guessing every move you make and instead trust yourself and back your decisions
– Let go of caring about what everyone else thinks and live your life, run your business, speak your truth for you – You are your only accuser
Basically babe you’re ready to learn how to look yourself in the mirror and think holy fucking shit I don’t want to be anyone else but ME

Creating Clarity
We’ll get super clear on what you want, why you want it & what’s been stopping you. Discover your unique blueprint & values which are going to be the basis for creating a life, business, success and reality that FEELS amazing
Stepping into Alignment
Make way for the juicy deep sh*t. We assess the gap from where you are to where you want to be so we can unblock what’s really been keeping you stuck. We’ll delve deep into those limiting stories to heal & reprogram your fears so you can make way for a whole new mindset. Say bye to self-doubt, self-sabotage & procrastination & get ready for results!
Become Embodied
Giiiirl you have a whole new energy about you. You believe in yourself & are showing up with CONFIDENCE! With your new found clarity & outlook you are empowered, embodied, you know what you want & are unapologetically going after it – you are Unapologetically You.

– My signature Program is a 3 month long 1:1 coaching journey
– 3 coaching sessions a month via Zoom
– We work through my 3 core phases which are critical for your progress and success however each
session will flow intuitively based on your unique needs
– We will use a blend of NLP, mindset, healing, & energetics techniques
– 3 months of unlimited support in-between sessions for deeper integration through Voxer – we will be in touch a lot
– Tailored resources to support your journey
– A safe and confidential space for you to be free from judgement, worry or criticism to facilitate your deepest transformation
– We have FUN. This is deep and challenging work but I promise we will have fun together along the way!